Fess Ave

as reply to whatever you say, partner

Jerry drove home from the funeral with the radio blaring loudly. Two people in one week gone, maybe 3. He tried calling Elena, straight to voice mail. 

He was thrown off by the whole thing, he arrived at home, but couldn’t go in. He kept the car running. 

He instead drove to the store. They closed it out of mourning. The flag was at half mast. 

 He went in locking the door behind him. He went to the office, and just sat there. Here he was alone. The store was empty and his office was behind two locked doors. 

He relaxed here, going through the past conversations he had. Elena was interested in that one regular. Stephen. 

He looked him up, he lived on Fess  Ave.

Replies to Fess Ave
Bloomingfoods doesn't have a flag!
2023-12-29 04:11:47