Time Away

as reply to nice to be here

"Ashley was coming back next weekend."  Imogen told Alan.

"Maybe you could meet her, I think you would like talking to her, she's pretty down to earth." Imogen said. 

Alan was at her cafe, there was only about a week left of break. Which was a lot of time, but also he could feel the pressure. Not that Alan had to go right back, he was technically finished, one final paper, and he was done. But still that's when everyone else would be getting back. 

"She's way smart too, kind of sad that she left, but I also felt like she needed to leave you know, some people just can't handle staying, they need to show themselves something. "

She looked up at Alan.

"Not saying thats like you, just saying thats how some people are."

Alan was thinking about something else, they were both kind of doing different things. He was on his computer looking at different jobs. She was cleaning everything, the sign was switched from open to closed. She liked having him here. 

She wanted to know what he was going to do, she guessed he was going back, but maybe after he'd come back. Maybe he just needed a little more time away. 
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