It's almost as if some guy named Al is superhuman

On a daily basis, I see news stories extolling the accomplishments of some guy named Al. Or maybe that's capital A, capital I. They both look the same in print.

Are there that many popular Als that would cause others to make the same cognitive error? Most of the kiddos probably don't recognize the name Al Jolson. Is Al Franken still relevant after stints on SNL and in the government? You have Al Bundy, but Married With Children went off the air years ago. You also have Al Borland, Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor's trusty sidekick, and again, that show went off years ago. You have Al Capone, who was more infamous than famous. Don't forget Weird Al Yankovic, who is still churning out musical parodies. Let's also not forget the great sportscaster Al Michaels, who, for some reason, is no longer playcalling NFL games and hopefully still not eating vegetables. How about Al Roker, who frankly looked better when he was fatter?

To avoid confusion with people named Al, I humbly suggest that artificial intelligence be labeled A.I. This makes it abundantly clear that we're talking about the newfangled technology that will eventually be the end of mankind instead of some random guy named Al. 
Al is your neighbor, friend, or local TV personality. Al won't kill jobs, take over the world, or end humanity. 
Al is a good guy. 
Be like Al. 

2024-02-08 02:02:40