Weird but Nice

as reply to korean soup

The tea place was quiet and sweaty. Clear windows glazed over with steam. Every table had a pot of tea, there were couples, and triples, and large groups all gathered over a pot of tea. Alan liked this, he felt like in another country this was normal, but here, it was just something else. It felt whole, like it made sense. Like there was something about it that had been perfected. 

"We should try a few like three pots. One black, one green and then a fermented one."

"How do you know what to get?"

"People ask all the time at the cafe. You guys have this? You guys have that, will be nice to actually try some."

"Alan what you thinking, green, black and fermented."

"I think I'll be with the green or like an oolong, something like that."

"Mr. Fucking Oolong over hear, since when you like Ooolong?" Jack chimed in. "People in LA don't even like Oolong."

"I don't know just sounded nice."

Soon after they had four pots of tea, and everyone was trying one. 

"That ones a nice one." Alan said. Pointing at the fermented one. "Weird but nice."

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