Good Mood

as reply to made him smile

"How the fuck can you be happy this morning?" Aaron Said. 

"Yeah Jesus Christ. Whats your deal?" Jack said. 

Alan just shrugged. "I don't know I guess I didn't drink as much. It was just a good night, it was nice."

"Uhhhhhhh" Aaron said. Putting his head down.

"I've already showered, ate some food, drank a fuck ton of water, and I feel like fucking shit. I envy you."

Jack also puts his head down.

"This feels better."

"How long do you think she'll take in there." Jack said.

"I don't know, but there's no rush... Just relax and don't move." Aaron said. 

Alan was cleaning, his roommate would be back for a few days, then back to his work. His roommate always liked things to be clean. 

"We just can't forget the heat."

"Dude fuck him."

"Its for the plants."

They all turned to a cactus on the coffee table. 

"I feel like its on its way out, heat or no heat." Jack said. 

"Why is it like this? Why can't you just dance to Mr. Brightside? Why do you have to pay the price." Aaron said. 

Alan just smiled. 

"You think she's good to drive?"

"Yeah she seemed fine this morning, also in a good mood."
Other replies to made him smile