It was Cold

as reply to eerie feeling

Keith all the while had no idea. He had smooth Jazz playing in the background the local station from somewhere north. He tapped the steering wheel to some David Brubeck. Then he let someone go at the four way stop. He was so excited he was talking out loud in a British accent.

"No after you my good lord."

"Please please merge over Im in no rush."

And he wasn't he left two hours early for a forty minute drive. Also this plane was always late. He had all the time in the world he thought. 

He hummed and tapped on the steering wheel bobbing his head up and down. Listening to this music always made him wish he would have learned how to play something piano drums anything. At his age now he felt like it was too late. 

He turned on his blinker and merged in slowly.

"Should I go to the long stay or the short?" He asked to no one.

He figured he can stay in the short for a little then do another lap, just had to be vigilant.

"No problemo." He said still humming. The cologne he put on two hours now hopefully had died down. He now could roll up the windows. Without the sun it was cold.
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