While Bella was gone to get the employee discount beers, Jack watched the pool table and checked the bouncers' reactions. You couldn't get a read on them. They were calm. Poker face. Poker body language.
The kid who'd just cracked the pool stick was breathing heavily. Heaving almost. Waiting for someone to confront him or at least say something. But people offered nothing more than a quick glance. Few seconds after the snap everybody was back to their own drinks and conversations. The kid was on stage alone feeling like a fool.
Might he escalate, Jack wondered. To get more attention. That's what Jack would've done if he were in that position. That's what he had essentially done as an influencer. How he had become Jack Attack. A series of attention grabbing escalations until the ficitious mirage became his everyday
The kid finally stopped looking down. He looked made eye contact with one of the bouncers. The kid was waiting for some reaction but the bouncer gave no signal. His face didn't budge. This bouncer was average height but had a very large frame and quite a bit of muscle ontop. He wore a black t shirt.
The other bouncer was taller. Wide shoulders but not much beef on him. But he could probably throw a punch that put you to sleep, maybe broke some bones.
The kid had no idea what to do next. Jack got up. Approached slow. Descended the steps. All the kid needed was someone to pay attention to him. Someone who'd listen. Jack could be that.