Or Something

as reply to keith vows never to return

When Keith woke up he was still driving there was music playing. And a lag from when opened his eyes and when he became conscious of all the sounds. 

"Baby I like your style.." Played from the speakers. It was louder than it should be, and dave didn't look like he was enjoying it, but intensely listening. 

"Whats this?"

"This is our mark. But everyone knows him as Drake. This song specifically people think is message. 

"Faith and guidance." Played through the speaker. 

"But we can't figure it out," Dave said. 

"Some people are worried its a plot, some people are worried its sending a message, its from an album called Views."

Keith listened more, but it just sounded like a song. 

"You have any ideas." Dave asked, turning towards Keith a little.

"I uhh I think I am just, I just woke up."

Dave looked back to road and let out a small grunt. 

"Yeah I guess your probably tired?" Dave asked.


"It will all be clear once we get there." He said and tapped the steering will a bit.

"It will all be clear."

Keith felt his eyes get heavy again. There was something about the car, the noise or something.

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