The Ritual

as reply to blayne smokes pot

Blayne had to get all the studying in before Danny arrived he thought. So he studied during the day and at night to relax he smoked a joint. It was like that for weeks, a guys brother bought the weed and whole floor just pitched in. Everyone had enough and if they didn't someone else would pitch in. He didn't do like all nighters, but it was a solid days work. 

He'd never really studied in high school, but now he had a system. This was different than other people in the halls, every one took Adderall or its cousins, but Blayne was too worried to take that. There was one guy on the floor who took it, and while he was waiting for it to kick in he played Call of Duty, he had played call of duty for 6 hours straight before his other roommate got home.

Blayne never wanted to be like that. Just when he needed to relax, and calm down after a long day. Which in his opinion was way different. 

He liked to pair it with a walk. Then he thought to a passerby it would just look like a cigarette, and also the wind kept the smell away. 

He'd wear a big coat, he liked the ritual.

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