Time to Go

as reply to falling asleep to judge judy

The next day the hotel served a continental breakfast. Various things were wrapped in plastic. Non expired but a lot were almost. Suspiciously so Steve thought. Some of the numbers looked like someone else had printed over, but the blueberry muffin tasted as it should. Each packet of blueberry was sour, and the cake was sweet. So that would kill anything likely. 

The coffee was also fine, not the best, but not the worst. A black and brown liquid, like normal, but something also seemed off. Steven still woke up after drinking it, but it seemed more industrial. Like they made it in bulk cold in the back and just microwaved it. It tasted like they collected old coffee from everywhere and mixed it together, froze it and now just re-heated it. 

He looked at the only employee sitting on the desk, he seemed too still for all of this to have been his doing. He looked towards the kitchen. The usual metal doors that swing both ways were there. 

He wanted to look past them, figure out this unholy operation. Or bust them, write to the state of Colorado they reusing all the coffee. 

But he didn't he took another sip, and then decided it was time to go.
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