All Set

as reply to saving money for a proper hotel stay

"Just a room with a view." Blake said. He adjusted his shirt by pulling on the stomach. 

It was hotter than he imagined here. There was a breeze from the sea, but still the sun seemed brighter, and it didn't stop. 

"Excuse me? For two" The receptionist said.

"Just a room with a view. Uh, no just one thank you."

"All our rooms are seaside. It says that here." She said, and pointed at a brochure holder. 

"I know, I uh, I saw those, but I would like, just a, uh room with a view."

The lady didn't change her face, but typed hurriedly on the computer. 

"Here's one, its good. On the top floor. You can see all the way to the pier on that side, and harbor on the other side." She said. Pointing to the direction of the pier, then the direction of the harbor.

"But oh, also its quiet. It points to the harbor. Nothing happens there past like 8. So you'll sleep well. Uh, how many nights will you be with us?"

"Uh 7 or 8 I think." Blake said. 

"We'll say 7 at first, but I'll keep the room free." She said, and she winked at him. 

"Here you go." She said. "You're all set."
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