Should be in Soon

as reply to this could spell trouble

It was the way he asked. Like he already knew the answer, the question was more about if he could trust her. She dodged it well she thought. 

She hadn't seen them in a little, like 5 days. The guy who got rob still hadn't left. Now the kid was supposed to be back. She had saw him earlier, cleaning out the laundry to the bins, and getting the laundry in. They shipped it out, something she hated, the original owner would never do that, preferred to do everything in house. But thats not how it was now. 

She thought for sure it was the video games that made men like this. There's no way that killing 50 men on a screen doesn't desensitize you these things. How many people has the detective killed. One or two she thought, by how he walked. And he probably went to therapy after, thinks their justified. Or they were just wounded. Hmm she thought, he walked to proud. She didn't like that. There was too many horrible things in the world, what does anyone have to be proud of. 

She pushed herself back and the chair rolled across the floor, behind the wall was the calendar, and Blayne should be in soon. 
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