Right this Way Sir

as reply to listening to lee

Blayne oscillated from feelings of panic and calm. A constant loop was running through his head. 

"Before a you engage with a target, you know, before a kill. You have to imagine yourself a cat, cats don't dive directly into the room. They watch and wait. They get closer, they appear uninterested. Then they strike."

Danny told him this on their first mission. After Blayne got back from college, and needed work. Danny was there. But not now. 

Blayne feared that he was the target. Maybe him and the kid. Or maybe the kid was in on it. The kid always seemed calm. Blayne could feel his lower back was sweaty even though there was a breeze. A tightness around his chest grew.

Suddenly his walkie talkie screamed. "Blayne Blayne, you're needed at the front desk. A customer is requesting help with their uhh luggage."

There was a pause.


They had tried for a long time to use a over protocol with the walkie talkies, but it never worked, never caught on.

"Okay Im coming."


When he arrived it was a strange sight. It was three older men. Two  guys that looked like accountants, and one guy with a black hood on and big gold chain.

"Took youuuu long enough pussio. Don't waste another second of BAKA's time or it will be the end of this whole place."

The lady at the front desk shrugged at him.

"Yes, uh right this way sir."
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