big ego big dollars

The Coach said "I win google me"  but it wasn't until 6-0 that it mattered.  But at 6-0  the bonuses started. At first it was modest enough, $250K for coach and $500K to upgrade his staff. But true to his word the coach did win, and at the end of his first year he was undefeated. The Coach stood on the college football summit. At 13 -0, IU was broke and Coach was due all his performance bonuses.  Scott had not spoken in private with the coach since that historic win in Columbus to win the big ten season championship. At that time Cig said, Don't worry about these bonuses, we'll settle up after I  win it all.  Scott drove back to bloomington knowing he had to do something to raise the money. he figured he could pay the OSU win by selling Wylie house and the regular season championship by selling the IMU.   By now Scott knew coach Cig won and coach Cig  always planned on recieving those big bonuses! Back when Scott and the coach made his contract with these crazy incentive clauses, they were high, they'd bonded on a bottle of whiskey. Scott was giddy he had hired coach and coach would bring respect to IUfootball but, he never dreamed those bonuses were obtainable, or more importantly, they were binding! iron clad binding. but it was not some crazy fantasy. it was real. Coach won and he would pay. Scott knew he could not go to the trustee board. Benson was the board! and Benson had not forgiven Scott for Scott hiring Tom Cream with that crazy high dollar contract. Scott was on his own. Scott would have to sell the Wells library to pay coach. Students did not use the main library much anymore. Maybe no one will notice..
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