hidden enterprise

as reply to big ego big dollars

First thing was finding a buyer. How could he convince them the library was a good purchase? Whoever bought it couldn't outright turn it into a commercial enterprise. It would need to be done in a hidden manner. Perhaps they could monopolize a food court, charge for parking. Things like that.

Scott knew one man in town who might be interested. He didn't know how to ask the man though. So he figured he ask him to go out for a beer. The man always said yes to a beer.

"Hey Jimmy... yeah.... yeah... say, you wouldn't want to go to the Tap for a beer? On me. Got something I want to run by you. Okay. Friday? Yeah. Got it."

Scott would need to practice the pitch. He would need to be smooth. It would be a deal never done before. Selling a university library to raise funds to pay the football coach. 
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