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as reply to god damn

"Fuck off Pussio." 

Baka popped out of the dumpster knocking the cop on his back, his unholstered gun falling on the floor. 

"BAKA not nice!" He said. 

Running he grabbed the gun, and took off into the bushes. 

Pauls heart was beating. Like he had been dead and then brought back. 

"What the fuck was that?" He asked. "What the fuck you guys playing at?"

"I I I think that was the guy. I think that was the guy. I thought he was dead."

"You think its funny, playing a joke on someone like that." Paul said. 

He was shaking now, he thought of how embarrassing it would be the other police would show up, and he knew the chief would say that he told him so. 

"I swear on my life that that was him. I've seen him, he was dead. Let me look."

The kid took the flashlight on the ground and turned in back to the dumpster. Now the lid was opened, and you could see it was empty, aside from large black bags. 

"This is what they had him in. Test it you'll see."

"Thats no how it fucking works, no ones gunna believe this shit. Only Jesus could come back like that."

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