His Luck

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There while he was parking in the street a man called out to him.

"You know there's free parking over there. Just two streets up. You'll see it, theres no signs there so you can park for free."

"Woah...Uh" Max looked at his steering wheel. He had parked perfectly. He was ready to pay. Even brought coins, he'd only need like half of them now. 

"Where is it?"

"Just up that street and to the right." The guy said gesturing with his hand. 

"Oh okay, uh thank you, thank you."

"No worries man don't mention it. Just make sure not to leave it over night."

Max backed up and turned around, on the right a street led into a neighborhood and sure there was no signs. Cars lined these streets, but they seemed different like those in the know. People who had to get to class, and maybe others that drove long distances. A secret everyone respected. It seemed like the neighbors didn't really care.

He pulled into a spot another car left. It was the size of two. So it was easy didn't have to parallel. 

It was just his luck he thought. Just his luck.
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