He Thought

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Now he was parked. He took a last swig off his coffee from home, and grabbed his bag. He clicked the lock button twice, and the car beeped that it was safe. Not that he had anything expensive there, it was mostly on him, but he was always worried. Especially being a bigger city. 

People were on the streets walking around. Lots of young people. They dressed weird he thought, and counted, almost every 5 kids had a shirt on from the school. A lot of them in pajamas. He passed one coffee shop and it was steamy from all the people inside. He was hoping his wouldn't be like that. 

He couldn't remember, but in the day it was one dollar drip, and you could only study in the front half. With the worst seats. The front half was like a high school cafeteria, where the back half had at least nice chairs. 

He was excited. He had packed overnight oats for a snack, that he was also excited about he thought if he should eat it now outside. Then go in. It was about block away now. 

There was a park across the street and people were playing a game he'd never seen before. They had sticks between their legs, and were running around. It looked like Harry Potter. 

This place was strange he thought.
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