Ever Drank

as reply to first lagers at the bar

"This is why I love it here." Johnny yelled the heat from his voice on Max's face smelt of beer and a shot of tequila they just had. 

"Maple syrup flavored tequila." He said again. 

It was an odd mix of people. Attractive young people in one booth. Old men at the bar, and then everywhere in between. There were people with blue hair, and people wearing worn out baseball caps. 

Every 5 minutes someone new would go up on stage. And sing their heart out horribly out of tune, but there was something beautiful in it. 

Every hour or so an old guy at the bar would get up and everyone would cheer. He sang "Let the bodies hit the floor". 

Max's face was red now, and he could feel the room start to sway a bit more. For some reason Johnny was overly cheery and talking to a table. He gestured for him to join. 

Max held up a finger to say give him a minute. 

"Just a coke please." He said to bartender. 

"Might need a bucket too." One of the old guys said at the bar.

"Here you go, on the house, but if you're gunna hurl just step outside. I already cleaned the bathroom"

"Thank you." Max said. Taking a sip it felt like the most refreshing thing he'd ever drank.
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