
Yes, I've actually known people to use the non-word "documentating" when they meant documenting. I was reminded of this when I saw
Notebooking Everyday Abraham Kim

What is my version of notebooking? Abe alluded to my declaration of using a gratitude journal. It's an actual notebook where I write down at least three things I'm grateful for before I go to sleep. I don't use any other notebooks at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm not notebooking. In fact, the three sites where I write daily are my version of notebooking.

I have discovered that I enter into a certain mind frame depending on which site I'm on. For some reason, I feel like there are more eyeballs on Adagia, so I have a sense of stepping it up a notch above just some freewriting. Writestreak seems to lend itself to more diary-style where it's very much freewriting and often both personal and mundane. LifeLog puts me into a frame of mind with the goals I have declared on that site. 

Here's a peek behind the curtain.

Yesterday, I was maybe 3/4 through writing the first draft of today's newsletter when I got stuck. I wasn't quite sure how to end it. I went to LifeLog and wrote a short post where I was in a different frame of mind. Somehow, I magically got inspiration with a movie analogy, and that got me to the finish line. It's always more difficult writing about personal topics, but it seems like these articles tend to resonate more with folks. I hope it's doing something for all the trouble airing my dirty laundry. 😜
I think that having more than one place of writing is a great setup to not get writers block. I also do what you do, though I do it not on different websites but rather different mediums like notebooks or whatnot. 

I actually wasn't referencing your gratitude journalling because I actually meant that I'm writing daily in a notebook just like I might how you do on Writestreak. There's a lot of gratitude in it though too haha
2021-05-19 15:52:05