The big Friends reunion

I can't believe I got sucked into it. I tried resisting, but like a car crash, I just had to watch. Here are my impressions of the recent Friends reunion special on HBO Max that is airing seventeen years after the finale of the series.

The women
Rachel and Phoebe look great. They have aged the way Hollywood actors are supposed to age. Unfortunately, Monica has fallen into the weird plastic surgery uncanny valley where her face has been permanently altered in a way that is now unsettling in comparison to how she looked naturally. Janice made an appearance and seems to be holding up.

The men
Ross looks the same. Still has the hair and hasn't changed much at all. Joey has aged like a normal human being. He's still got the hair that's all gray now and has a noticeable middle-aged paunch. I have no idea what is wrong with Chandler. I know he's had a history of drug abuse, and supposedly he had some emergency dental surgery immediately prior to filming the reunion. He seems to be slurring his words and sadly, does not resemble the Chandler that we remember from the show. Gunther showed up on a Zoom and he's definitely looking worse for the wear.

The show
I had written off Friends as a show that I enjoyed watching at the time but somehow doesn't hold up on reruns. I did not watch it religiously, and I'm sure there are many episodes I have not seen. This reunion show got some laughs out of me, and now I'm thinking I just might have to pop some edibles at some point and go back and watch some reruns.

And who picked this James Corden as the host? I don't get him at all.

My girls absolutely love Friends, and they can't get enough of the re-runs. I can see why they like it, but it's not my cup of tea.
2021-05-28 10:12:09
I really really loved that show. I still watch it from time to time. I have seen it from the beginning to the end. I watched it when I first came ot the states and it reminded me of the genuine friends I had back home. I have been told I am like Phebe in many ways and I relate to her. My favorite was Chandler of course but the whole show was very interesting for me. I should find this reunion show.
2021-05-29 15:33:05
Thank you!
2021-06-01 17:09:01