
As we enter the second half of the year, I feel like things are at the start of a shift for me. I can't go back to how life used to be. It is just not feasible anymore.  I know that I am going to have to start living differently.

Before engaging my mind in thoughts about that, I needed to get my health in order. Based on the last few doctor's visits, I am in the right track. I have come to realize that doctors don't really know much. I used to think that they knew a lot and were just focused on other things rather than the patient's health. But now, I suspect there is some lack of knowledge as well. Not because they are necessarily incompetent but because the human body is so complex. What doctors learn in medical school is about the averages... the common symptoms etc... there isn't quality healthcare that is customized to the individual just yet. So it is only a matter of time before a patient comes face to face with a doctor that doesn't seem to know what is going on. The most common phrases used - other than an honest I don't know are:

- This is genetic.
- Maybe you should try this new drug.
- It could be autoimmune.
- It could be a lab error. 
- Let's test again in a few months.

I have heard each of these more than once. 

My take away is not to trust doctors. Not to take any random medication when it is suggested. To allow my own body to heal itself via things like meditation and placebo effect. Joining FB and other community groups with people sharing the symptoms. And above all to think about my mental health and avoid stress like the plague. 

This year, I got to push myself to do all that. And I believe it has worked. Now when I go to the doctors, they aren't sure if I had any issue to begin with or if it was the vaccine I took. It amazes me the ease with which doctors accept that they had been giving me powerful medications without being sure about what caused any of my issues. My family tells me that I took very dramatic steps for my health and it has made a difference - despite the doctors. I am beginning to believe that. And though I see many specialists, I am beginning to think that I should limit my exposure to doctors and continue doing the things that helped me heal. 
I agree with you completely about the general state of doctors and healthcare in the US today. I remember years ago asking my doctor a question, and he googled for the answer right in front of me. I thought to myself, "Well, why do I need you then?" My current doctor is a functional medicine practitioner and better than the previous doctors, but I espouse the view that I am in the driver's seat when it comes to my health. Health is far too important to leave in the hands of someone else who is supposed to have my best interest in mind but may have perverse incentives.
2021-06-16 13:33:20
Exactly. Unfortunately - most people reach this conclusion after a bad experience. There is a blind trust placed on doctors that isn't challenged until something really bad happens. 
2021-06-16 16:01:26