Chapter 17

Pg. 242 "Process food is defined by seven engineering criteria:
1. mass produced
2. consistent batch to batch
3. consistent country to country
4. uses specialized ingredients from specialized companies
5. consists of pre-frozen macronutrients
6. must stay emulsified so that the fat and water do not layer out
7. must have a long shelf life or freezer life"

Pg. 243 "It turns out that the USDA didn't invent the food pyramid, Sweden did. Sweden's was scrapped, but the USDA adopted it anyway because its 1980s policies of agricultural monoculture had generated a glut of cheap refined carbohydrates, which served as the base of the pyramid. USDA nutritionists had initially settled on 5 to 9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables and 3 to 4 servings of whole grains per day, putting refined carbohydrates at the top. However, when the actual pyramid was revealed, the numbers were quite different: 2 to 3 servings of fruits and vegetables and 6 to 11 of all types of carbohydrates. The nutritionists said "eat less," but the pyramid said "avoid too much," which is basically saying, "don't eat more."

Pg. 244 "Ultra-processed food now accounts for 70 percent of the items in the supermarket, the majority of the food consumed in the U.S. It also accounts for 85 percent of the fare produced by the top twenty-five food manufacturers, providing 60 percent of all our energy intake. It provides 90 percent of the added sugar in the diet."

Wow. Behind a lot of issues around healthcare is an incredibly efficient business strategy. I wonder what Sweden follows now. 
2021-07-10 03:35:09

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