One of those days

Today is shaping up to be one of those days. I could call this a "three-calendar" day because I have action happening on all three calendars. It's the kind of thing that was probably the origin of the phrase "when it rains, it pours." I have a swirl of things hitting me all at once.
  • I'm being harassed to complete my harassment training that is due once every two years. I was sent the email late yesterday, and the deadline is tomorrow. That's typically how it works, and I'm not one to drag my feet on training for this reason. As soon as I get a notification about training, I get it out of the way as fast as I can.
  • I am still managing the transition with the new configuration manager for my primary client. Very little has been moved off my plate, but I have more tasks as part of this transition.
  • My second client has multiple needs that require more meetings and very detailed work.
  • My boss is starting to involve me in resource requests including vetting more candidates, scheduling interviews, and coordinating communication. In some cases, I am assessing candidates for roles that I'm not familiar with. This means I need to do additional homework to make sure I understand the requirements of the role so that I find the candidate with the right skills and experience to match.

The cost of being a consultant. Getting paid ain't cheap! 
2021-07-16 01:24:11