A full week I have been writing some in private some in public, and it feels nice and rewarding. Like looking back at a running week, or something like that. I imagine its also how people feel when they have a garden. Something I admire about one of my housemates is that they garden. They work so hard, weeding, shoveling dirt, and watering every week, maybe even everyday. I think I don't really even know what all they do. And then some things don't work, like the plant doesn't catch or something or the herbs get to stringy. But then other days they bring home random harvests like asparagus or leaves. But its interesting because all of the work could lead to nothing, there could be a drought or there could be a rabbit that really likes your plants. Yet they still garden, they still pour water, and use their calories to care for the plants. Surprisingly though, it always gives back, you don't always know when and you don't always know what, but it always gives back. And maybe like Abe says this isn't a post just about gardening. There is something about putting in the work, putting in time, and just letting things happen below the surface.
a full week

This isn't a post about gardening