All around him it stank of blood.
Young Seun
looked around using just eyeballs, keeping his head still, for if a single enemy were around to see one of the thousands of corpse suddenly arise then they would surely come promptly to finish the job.
Seun wanted to bad to feel around his body with his hands, to ensure that he had indeed survived. Not just breathing for the moment, but to be without fatal injury that would leave him dead within few nightfalls anyways. But he couldn't move his hands. Not yet. He would wait until it was darker, then he would get up and try to figure out his next moves. For now he was grateful to even have next steps.
Instead of feeling around with his hands to inspect for fatal wounds, he tried feeling with his own body. Could he feel anything? Feel the blood and where it flowed. Feel the massive surface area of his dark skin. Could he feel any openings? Yes, some. But nothing deep and fatal. Just some scratches... the stinging of bacteria waging its own microscopic battle on the surface of his cuts.
"Is that you? Monek!"
"Yes. It's me."
"God damn it, I thought I was going to have to make the journey back all by myself." Seun quietly prayed to repent for taking God's name in vain. He was just too excited to know that there was somebody alive next to him. And what luck that that person was his best friend Monek. In fact he wasn't just grateful that he had someone alive nearby, but he was elated to know that his friend hadn't befallen the eternal abyss of death.
"Fuck, I think I'm going to die, Ole'Seun. I don't think I'm going to make it. When you make it back to SPAtopia, please tell my parents that I died honorably rather than rotting amongst piles of corpses here."
"Shut your mouth. Are you okay? Don't use your hands, but can you feel... with your body... any wounds? Remember don't move a muscle, there might still be guards they left behind here to kill off any straggling bodies."
"Okay. Okay. Hang on. Oh my god! I can feel... I am wounded in my belly. I think they cut it fucking open. I'm going to fucking die, god damn those Monolythes!"
"Wait hang on. Just wait okay? Nightfall is coming soon. I'll check out your wound then."
"Fucking Monolythes! How dare they piss on our SPA ways? They'll have to pay to Lord VUE!"
Seun listened to his friend's voice. He also wondered what Lord VUE would do in his situation. It made him find a bit of strength that seemed to appear out of nowhere. For now, this was all he could ask for.
You’re a joke. A big fat joke. Where did you get this picture from?
I think this is a good start. I’d sure be reading along
Seun i got the pic from your flexigram account.