Sleep progress

Yesterday was another great sleep day. Both sleep and energy score were over 85% giving me a crown in the Oura app. I just may be getting to Brandon's level of expertise if I continue with these results 

I slept earlier than usual. I did slight meditation. The temperature in the room was ideal. And sugars were great. I woke up expecting a good score and Oura confirmed it. 

The rest of the day, I tried to notice what changed occured from my good sleep score. The first thing I noticed was that I was in a good mood. I went out of my way to reach out to people early in the day. And I also found myself active around the house. 

I ended up making a feast for lunch. My sister, her kids, my dad and mom were all there for the feast. The special dish I enjoyed making was an Ethiopian dish called Tibs. It is a meat, onion, jalapenos fried with rosemary.  I added some additional piece of ribs. I am particularly fond of lamb so that was what I made. 

I did a lot of walking outdoors as well. And also did some activities outdoors with my nephew and niece. It was all a lot and as the day progressed, I did start to get tired. 

Now it is just 820pm and I just had my lemon balm tea.
I am ready to call it a day and repeat the sleep performance.  
Glad to hear it. This morning I have 90 readiness and 92 sleep score from last night. 
2021-08-06 12:46:08
2021-08-07 02:14:44