I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
I still can't believe it.

I am not sure if I should be this excited. But I is. I is. :)

This morning, I went to my Medium post stats page. I wanted to see if anyone was reading my writing anymore. It has become one of my daily routines. Then I saw something that wasn't there before.

A green dot with the text - 'Distributed'.
I wasn't sure what that meant. I hovered over the word and it said - 'Distributed by Curators'.

That has to be something good. It has to. I started to dance on the spot. I went to tell my family immediately. We tried to google what it means exactly but things seemed cryptic. Then I stumbled on this page where Medium explains it. And then I started dancing again. 

I have no idea if this means I am still in the competition. I don't know if I will get to dance like this again for the piece. But for today, I am excited!! 

September looking gooooooood. 
Your piece was really good Keni. Any comment you got on that piece wasn’t flattery. 

https://link.medium.com/mT8E5rXpejb - that article kinda explains it more. It means your article is now being distributed under the topics it falls into. So more readers get to see it. 

Congratulations Keni 
2021-09-02 19:44:46
Thank you Seun and Sir Abe. I am building my confidence as a writer - one awesome compliment at a time. 
I looked at the article you shared Seun. It helps understand better. Thank you. 
2021-09-03 19:54:41

Butterfly moments