The happy gipsy

One day earlier this summer while I was working on some designs on my computer, focused, tilting my head from side to side, I hear the doorbell ding-dong. I get up open the door and see a gypsy about 70 something years old, he came for some business, anyway, I start chatting with him and ask him, hey how many kids do you have? He answered: 7 and 22 grandchildren. Say again ?!

That's a lot! 22 oh my! So not very rich financially but happy! Then he asked me: do you have kids? And I was like... Ummm no. And he answered: what are you waiting for? Ummm.. dunno, I guess I'm not that much into parenting now. He replied looking me in the eyes: find a good woman and make some kids, how old are you? Me: 35. Him: ooooh! I thought you were 25! What are you waiting for? 😂 It cracked me, I was laughing by this point. So, I guess I didn't quite find the girl nor the budget but it's certainly something to consider at some point in my life.
Haha different standards for what parenting is like. I have a feeling he has a more biological ontology of what 'parenting' is whereas you have a more relationship-investment based one. 

2021-09-07 01:32:12
  see how people who are more career oriented, or concerned with status or politically engaged or very passionate about something tend to dismiss parenting as a nuisance. Here in France, bourgeois families, all white, neat, pretty and stupid rich make one or two babies and that's it. They tend to worry a lot about their kids education, spend a shitload of money on private schools, tutors, exchange programs and all that, while gipsies in Romania, the ones I know and have seen growing up they just let their kids roam free. They'll grow up stealing, hustlin', trying to survive. Some end up in prison or dead, other succeed big time. It's a kind of natural selection.
2021-09-07 08:16:02