There was something off about Camilla when I saw her for the final time. I had been sitting in the backlounge of The Bend. Rachel and I went there before we were supposed to go on stage, but I remember distinctly when Camilla entered to say hi to me, not seeing Rachel anywhere. I guess I was a little high before that moment when I heard Camilla almost whispering into my ear, "hello. Did you hear about what happened with Trevor?"
"No." I answered. My voice coarse sand compared to Camilla's velvety milk. If I'd taken more care with my answer maybe she would've told me what happened with Trevor. I actually did care at the time, I was just too couch locked to make any effort in signaling to her "you can tell me."
So when the cops came later to my house to ask me this and that about whether I knew what
Trevor Macomb
had been up to in the past two nights, I was able to truthfully say I didn't. Cops didn't let me off that easy though. Must've been the way my face looked because I was desperately wanting to get my hands on my phone and calling Camilla to find out what did happen. That itch never left my wrist even after the cops had long gone. Even after they told me, "By the way. Camilla Rhodes is missing. Let us know if you hear from her can you?"