When We Were Young - Part 2

I kept in touch with a lot of the pen pals I got that summer. I kept up for months even after starting to go to college. The one peculiar thing was that there were no females. All of the people that wrote to me were male. 

Thinking back, there wasn't a lot of information shared in the letters. Just the usual trying to get to know someone type of write ups. It was still exciting to receive a hand written letter. 

There were a couple that were from Ethiopia too. I was surprised. I never thought there were others like me - looking for pen pals. I kept in touch with 3 of them. 

They were likely just 30-40 minutes away from where I lived but there was an unspoken rule of not trying to push for a face to face meeting. I guess in the end, they were strangers. 

To be continued.... 
lol reading your experience of penpals going from a high amount to dwindling to so few reminds me of you're experience with online writing communities... going from 
 when it seemed like one giant family -- for a short bit of time -- to whatever you have now.
2021-10-05 01:45:13
Yeah - it takes time and a lot of work to reveal who you end up keeping a good relationship with. I am happy with having a few gems in my corner. 
2021-10-05 03:17:22