Untitled Shared at Oct 10, 2021

My friend's death brought together so many people in just our small town community that he had fostered in his short time here. It was a gathering of people grateful to have known him. I can't even guess how big the gathering in New York is for him.

Someone said that this is the kind of thing they wanted after their death. To that I said that such a thing was not cheap. My friend Oscar had to put in so much work, often times sacrificing his health to get this kind of memorial response. I don't think people understand how big that sacrifice is. 

These days I know that I'm like my friend who remarked about wanting such a reaction after my death, but I know I want something more. And so I gotta sacrifice the kind of role I'd always played in my life. I saw myself in Oscar, the way he connected people in everyday ways. Meals, parties, making you feel like you fit in during a night out to the bars when you were with a group of people you'd never met. 

As I get older the sacrifices become harder, but easier to decide on. I'm challenged by the first and grateful for the last.

Abe's Blog