Results are out

Yesterday, Medium finally released the results of the competition.

Out of nearly 10,000 entries, they selected 4 - one winner for each prompt.

1. Death
2. Re-entry
3. Work
4. Space

I wrote for the prompt Death.
Unfortunately, I didn't win. I was optimistic that maybe I would get something - but so far, doesn't look like it.

The winner was someone who wrote for the same prompt as I did - Death.

Here is the link to her post. It was her only post on Medium at the time. 
I read that the post was about suicide and multiple deaths in the author's family so I decided not to read it. It feels like it may be very dark in addition to being well written so I decided not to expose myself to it. 

There are going to be 100 honorable mentions that will be announced on the 15th - this Friday, but I don't expect anything. 

Time to move on to the next adventure.

Well done Keni. You did well.

I was gonna read the post, but seeing it's a 12-minute read and it started with a story of death, I closed the tab.

On to the next!
2021-10-14 19:53:13
Lol... thank you Seun. I did the same thing. The first paragraph turned me off completely. A lot of people also commented that all the winner wrote dark posts. I too wrote something dark but I didn't have it in me to read the winning post. 

I am actively moving on to the next. 
2021-10-15 03:25:15
Good for moving on to the next. I think the key here is not to linger too long. As in maybe instead of lingering so much on the results of this competition immediately having just moved on to the next fun thing for you. Like fashion design/ app making /etc etc. Anything other than constantly checking the inbox and Medium for the results.
2021-10-15 14:54:26