Change blindness

“The problem is you want to see the change happen now” 

That’s the sage advice that a director gave our team when we express frustration overseeing just a few people adopt a solution we’d just launched.

Change comes in many forms: 

Sometimes it’s easily observable, like a light bulb turning on and off. 

Other times change happens so gradually that you can’t perceive it or associate it with a precise moment in time.

In the case of the launch of our new solution, it was the latter: 

We wanted in days what realistically needed months of training & change management. 

If change doesn’t appear to be happening, ask yourself: is it because it’s really not happening, or because what you’re observing isn’t mapping to your expectations? 

Figure out how to recognize the former; be mindful of how you can manage expectations to address the latter. 

Is this regarding a past launch or has your team recently launched another solution/version?

I love that we have our regular talks because it paints these posts so much deeper.

Also i love that sage advice.
2021-10-26 12:17:59
past launch - like 3 or 4 years ago. 

turns out change blindness is with us all the time - every time you move your eyes, you're effectively blind during the movements. 

Evolution has spared us from neverending nausea :P 
2021-10-27 14:29:49