Book club

I have tried and failed at joining a few book clubs over the years. 

The problem - I am unable to finish the recommended books. More importantly, I want to read the numerous books I already have lined up. So reading a book I hadn't planned on reading - starts to feel like work. 

I enjoy reading too much to introduce something that will make me not like it. 

But I love talking to people about books they have read. I love getting recommendations from others. And I like discussing books and the insights with people. 

So I keep trying to join a book club. 

Last month, I got introduced to one. All ladies. All Ethiopians. All living in my area. 
I got to see the books they have been reading and I like them all. 
So I decided to give this one a try. 
We were told to read fiction for the month of October called "The Last Thing He Told Me."

I got the audio book and finished it in a few days. I was on a fiction binge lately so it worked out. I didn't enjoy the book as much as I could have. Mainly because I was not a fan of the voice over. The story was engaging but maybe I should have just read the book than listened to the audio. 

Tomorrow, I will get to meet the ladies via a zoom call for the first time. 
Should be interesting.