
A very close friend of mine wrote their first article today. 

Given that I am now officially calling myself a writer, I was asked to give feedback.
So I read the piece and was instantly in love with it. It was a very clear, interesting and funny story. If there is one thing writing daily has taught me, it is that I can tell a good writing from a bad one. That is often why I hate reading my posts that I am not happy about. 

I was very impressed that there was a very relatable and clear humor in the write up. Given that I have been trying to be funny for a while, I was a tad bit jealous. And I told the author that. It's not fair that some of us have had this one skill on our list for going over 3 days. And made no progress. And with one article - some people can just nail it. 

The person is a naturally funny person so there is the reason. But it is still not fair. 
you're right that it's unfair. But you benefit from some of this unfairness though. As in on first writing you were already able to evoke caring and empathy while other people could try to write like that for years and still not reach your level. 

btw if there's one thing that's been loss from this world with your recent downswing in health and energy it's that there's less of that Keni-love out here in the internets. I hope that it hasn't affected the way you love in your physical life with family.

Yesterday i actually took an 
 with a Ethiopian driver and we jived so well that we exchanged phone numbers so we could hang out in real life. I believe he is around your age.
2021-11-10 14:03:55
Very accurate observation Sir Abe. I am not as out there as I usually am. I am very available in person though. I have actually made a deliberate attempt to double down on the actual in person situations. 

I am not surprised that you get along with people Sir Abe. It would take an extraordinary person for you not to jive with them. That's your skill that I am jealous about. :)
2021-11-10 23:29:41
As long as you are being you in physical life then that's amazing. i was worried that what was happening on the internet was a reflection of the rest of your life, but it's relieving and inspiring to know that this isn't the case. Keep rocking it!
2021-11-11 15:23:33
Thank you Sir Abe. I am totally not like that on the internet. Doing more and more in person things now. And I know I like it more. 
2021-11-11 23:20:32