Raising the ceiling for what's possible

I don't really have a lot to say today. But I'm thinking a lot about raising the ceiling of what's possible. What I mean here, is that it's really easy to get constrained by what you see in front of you, to have any idea what might be possible for you down the road. That myopia causes folks to settle for all sorts of less-than-ideal situations because it's difficult to fathom stuff you've never experienced.

Risk is a real thing and it's important not to be constantly so dissatisfied that you end up never being able to be happy with your current circumstances. Recent memory/experiences have given me a kind of perspective that I used to lack about the "current state." I think there's finding a balance between being dissatisfied, content with the current state, and envisioning what done looks like. As if life were a project. The variables consistently change, which makes it harder to project -- health doesn't stay the same, work changes, life evolves -- but I think if we're able to be honest without ourselves (I've been thinking a lot about being an "unreliable narrator in my own story" lately) that it becomes a lot easier to be sanguine about circumstances, even when they feel/seem uncertain.

As my life advances, I can think about to moments that seemed a lot more impossible than the ones I face now. Circumstances where I felt alone, unmoored or unsure about what was ahead on the road. It's weird to consider how much faith I had that my situation would eventually improve -- maybe it's the power of knowing your capabilities -- and so when it did actually gradually improve, it's been revelatory to think about what's next. In part because, I did not expect to be where I am.

Drafted while listening to Vampires by Le Trouble
Hilarious that you begin by saying you don't have much to say and you say a lot lol.

One thing I've been trying is not trying to be dissatisfied with the current state no matter how fucked it might be. I believe it's better to detach satisfaction from current-state and instead be i-dont-know-a-word with it.

It's hard to be plurally seeking greater heights while still being good with where you're at. We either get complacent and try to spin up a story of how everything is perfect now... or we don't allow ourselves to enjoy today.
2021-11-12 02:36:19
Haha I didn't wanna write 50 words.
2021-11-12 04:27:41