Good Writing

This afternoon, I was talking to my siblings about some of the great books and shows we watched. 

My brother is the one that is very picky about movies and shows. He follows writers, directors and producers religiously. He doesn't enjoy reading as much as a good show. He has his list of the great movies. He is into giving ranks to anything to express how he feels about anything. He documents these ranks and uses it to decide what to look at. 

My sister on the other hand, is a reader. She would hide from us when we were kids so she could read her books. Just today, she told us how she read the entire 'Game of Thrones' books. And she swears that the movie/show version doesn't come close to how good any book is. She just told me to read a book by same author called - ''Wild Cards". She explains that it is even better than Game of Thrones. 

I think I am in the middle. I enjoy reading and shows. The only book that I read and loved but didn't like as a movie was 'The Davinci Code'. Sometimes, it is just too hard to capture every detail of a book in a movie. 

As I getting more and more into fiction and into writing, I am fascinated by people like George R. R. Martin. So much creativity buried in one head. And the ability to make so many people obsessed with each story. It is an amazing skill. 

I have finally accepted that I want to write fiction. Good fiction. I believe that it is possible to become a better writer. Just like stand up comedians learn how to deliver a good joke, I think with time, I should be able to write fiction better than I currently do. 
This might sound jarring, empowering, or whatever.... 

but here it goes:

i think you've been writing fiction for awhile now. 

whenever you write accounts of how your day went or how an event went or your plans for business and crypto or whatever project you are undertaking i notice you don't clinically just describe things. I mean you do somedays if you're super busy but for the most part you are telling stories.

Often i think that if you just did that but instead of refraining it to your daily life observables you kept expanding it into its own world you would write some good stories. 

The short way to say all that is you're doing well with the storytelling/fiction already. 
2021-11-14 03:08:50