ABP - Always Be Pissing

Perhaps you were thinking of the quote from Alec Baldwin's epic speech in Glengarry Glen Ross. For him it was ABC - Always Be Closing.

I maintain that one indicator of your health is your pattern of urination. Of course, this will vary between individuals and is based on a variety of factors. But in general, the frequency and duration of your pissing can say a lot about your health. 

One of the golden rules (pun intended) is that from start to the last dribble the ideal piss should be right around 20 seconds. Try it the next time you go. Count off in your head and see how long it takes. Anything significantly more or less than 20 seconds might be a sign of a problem.

Another factor is how often you are going. Are you going every 30 minutes? Once every three hours? Again, it's different for everyone, but you should establish a baseline so that you can detect a change if something is off. Waking up in the middle of the night frequently to piss? That might be a sign of an issue. Or maybe you're just getting old.

The color of your piss is also an indicator of overall hydration and potential issues. Is it a deep yellow or brown color? You might be dehydrated. Is it completely clear? You might be overhydrated. 

Who knew this one simple act most of us pay little attention to could actually be an important marker of your health status. Just remember ABP.
I was confused at first because always be pissin makes me think that high frequency is important but that's the number one indicator for a lot of metabolic problems. 

in the future ppl will buy smart toilets that analyze their 
 for them. PISS CITY
2021-12-01 01:15:22
In general, I would say high frequency is better than low frequency. I know when I have too many carbs that I don't piss as frequently even if my fluid intake remains the same. 
2021-12-01 13:00:41