The Bar

One day she realized something.

And after that her days of finding meaning at the bars were over. She had now found truth.

Only... she had to let the others know about this truth. There was more to life than going out to bars. More than just getting drunk and hooking up. What was this more? She couldn't place it into words, but she had so much faith that she was confident that the words would come.

Just as she had thought the words did flow well. She was at the bars, seeing the same people but through different eyes. She spoke of the truth to them. Some of them cheered her on in furious agreement. Some disagreed, said she was just full of shit. Both agreement and disagreement, they fueled her on more. Her replies and proclamations became larger and more refined.

She went to the bars every weekend. Until one day. One day she was finally met with somebody who neither agreed or disagreed. She was shook.

"If you have found the truth that is greater than the bar... then why are you in this bar?"

To spread the truth! She declared!

"But don't you see that this is a bar? People do not come to this bar for such truth. They come for another reason."

What reason, she wondered.

"Everybody claims their own reason. But its language pointing to the same inner reason. You know this reason. This is why you've come to the bar for so many years. And it's why you still show up, though you claim you are past it now."

Flash Fiction Practice