One thing she hated about the suburbs was that you could never run into someone while standing outside.
Though you didn't get any privacy either. It was the worst of both worlds.
This night she pretended she was downtown smoking her
and someone might pass her and ask to bum one off her.
"Gladly" she'd reply. In fact it is your company that I'm bumming, she would think.
This night she wished someone might see her puffing a cig on the side of her parents' garage and come out. But nobody would. It was too out of the ordinary. People in the neighborhood stayed in their houses, watching their TVs. At the most you would get a wave from someone walking their dog.
After the first she smoked a second, during which she began reciting lines. What she would say. The message was simple, and this made it hard for her to bring it up. Because what if her dad said no. Just like that. He'd say it in kinder words but no still would mean no.
Times like these were when she wished she smoked
American Spirits
. She'd have extra time to think this over then. She thought about texting
Imogen Howe
and telling her what she was about to do... but no, it wasn't thinking that she would be doing or advice she would be getting from her friend. No amount of thinking or soliciting placed you in any better of a place in such situations. All it did was make you freak out more. Times like these you just had to go face the truth.
She snubbed her cigarette out and took a deep breath of summer air.