Dark Patterns are Dark

I need a Chrome extension that stops me from clicking on Twitter links. I'm not against Twitter or people linking to Twitter. It's just that I'm not logged into Twitter, so every time I click on one of those links, a giant modal is thrown up in my face demanding I create an account. I can't see the tweet behind it. I could close the modal, and I did the first few times, but it does it every. Single. Time. I could log into Twitter, I have an account for my side hustle I could use, but I don't want to. I would like to stay off Twitter as much as possible. 

While I'm making requests it would be nice if I could see that the link in the email was headed to Twitter instead of emailbroadcastsoftware.tld/linktracking?GUID=WDF98WFGGH0909SDF
Would an adequate solution to this be to require websites that use such tracking url's to include the final destination 
as a 
query parameter

2021-12-19 16:45:40