Rhyming slang

Rhyming slang is a form of slang constructed in the English language and involves replacing a common word with two or more other words, the last of which rhymes with the original word.

For example, the "dog and bone" is the phone, the "trouble and strife" is your wife, and the "china plate" is your mate.

However, on some occasions, one or more last words are dropped, and the slang term now bears no resemblance to the original word.

For example, the "dog" is the phone, the "trouble" is your wife, and the "china" is your mate.

Here are a few straightforward examples.
  1. Frog and toad - Road
  2. Bugs Bunny - Money
  3. Bob Hope - Dope
  4. Steak and kidney _ Sydney
  5. Royce Hart - Fart

Now a few harder ones, with the last word, dropped out.
  1. Noah's - Noah's Ark - Shark
  2. Apples - Apples and Pears - Stairs
  3. Captain - Captain Cook - Look 
  4. Mincers - Mince pies - Eyes
  5. Plates - Plates of meat - Feet
I understand the concept, but I have not heard of any of these phrases. 
2021-12-21 13:46:58