Being Me

Today was supposed to be a productive day. Jury still out.

I went to see my medium profile page.
And one thing led to another, and I started to read a ton of good material. I didn't know how quickly time went but many articles later, I stumbled upon this...

"Being yourself is the most profitable business idea I can think of when it comes to any form of online content creation."
Tim Denning (a prolific writer)

A certain someone has kept on saying this to me repeatedly. And I actually argued back and said that my story isn't unique. 

I remember reading Americanna by Chimamanda and loving it. I hadn't ready any book like that before. The lady took her experience and wrote about it. I connected with that story on many levels. That is what I want to do with my writing. About topics I am passionate about. 

Not a totally unproductive day. 

I'm with that certain someone.

i want to even up the ante by saying tehre is never another person's story. every story even when it features another really is just that person's story.

Malcolm Gladwell
 is just telling his world the way he sses it when he features 'other people'
2021-12-22 21:19:08