Start Bored

I've been away for a while. The major reason I believe is that somehow my brain started looking for something grand to write each day. And when I can't find any, I feel like I can't write.

So I'm going to resume daily writing, but this time in a very boring manner.

21 days of fasting ends today. Of course, I didn't go without food for all 21 days. Some days I break fast at 6 pm with food. Some days I break with fruits alone, all day.

Early December was also pretty much stressful at work. But I'm glad, work closes officially tomorrow.

Now I'm switching to holiday mode.

Holy Days or Holidays?

We shall see.
there's always something a person is interested.

when they say things like only write something interesting or the opposite in this case start with something boring, they don't mean what's boring.

they mean what they imagine other people to see as boring/interesting.

that's the trap there. to be thinking from imagined others' heads rather than the one you have.
2021-12-22 15:54:26

Shay Hun's Blog