Gap In the Market

I have started to work on retirement and health insurance related paperwork for my parents. I usually need a strong cup of coffee and determination to get to the information I need. 

When it comes to immigration and health insurance related information, it feels more like calculous than English. Actually, tax and any form of insurance feels daunting. My brother has a slogan that all insurance is a scam. When I go over the options and payments, I feel like he may be up to something. 

A lot of these services feel like they deliberately want to confuse the customer or trap them into making payments that are either irrelevant or sound too good to be true. 

 For older folks that are either not good with computers or the English language, it is frustrating to have to maneuver through the information. Folks with children or money find a middleman to solve the problem. 

As I get very familiar with these services that I know millions are trying to decipher, I wonder if I can create a simpler survey type question with an if-then-else format to simplify the process. This is a gap. One with a strong pain point. 
You may find this discussion interesting:
2022-11-15 17:21:24
I should spend more time on reddit. Similar idea but less HIPPA restrictions on my idea. 
2022-11-15 21:46:27