
I resumed writing here so I can find a way to keep writing.

I felt the first step was detaching myself from the comments/feedback so I was writing poorly. Or better put, I didn't care much about what I wrote, the most important thing is to write.

I'm not sure how that is that is going.

But what I know is, I've been coming back here to write.

Hopefully, my writing improves with time.

I believe it will.
Writing will not improve with time.

it will improve with writing.

Unless you are 
The Matrix
 then yes you will need time to do the writing. But time alone will not provide improvement.
2022-01-06 23:14:18
He's subconsciously reading these
2022-01-07 15:57:05
I should definitely visit Brandon on my first to America
2022-01-07 22:53:44
Seun visits U.S

Hangs out with Brandon and becomes best friends.

Never meets Abe.
2022-01-08 01:18:30

Shay Hun's Blog