There is a place behind the chest-bone where the skin is thinner than it should be. And there lies a place next to it that people associate with courage. I think courage likely comes from your brain, or your DNA but its not as nice to say. I think there are probably studies that link it to the gut. There are probably more studies that link it too the bacteria in your gut. So I guess its possible that
or the lack of it, is also part of courage. Anyway the important part is that Anthony didn't have yogurt that day. But still managed to do something no one really thought he could do. Not that you will think its important, and not that a lot of people were thinking about Anthony that day and exactly what he can and cannot do. But the main thing Anthony did was he started today walking to work, but thats not the spectacular part, on his walk he started noticing things, he enjoyed the way that window looked. Or how that persons jeans fit them much better than others, and how the air near a coffee place that he always passed smelled like his sisters house, and how leaves crunched them under his feet as he walked. For the first time in a long time he looked around, and he