Currently while writing this I am doing sets of pull-ups. Pull-ups are a weirdly motivational to me because I could never do them until a few years ago. I remember in high school being asked to do them because of the strange presidential fitness test, or again when the marines visited the school. Also a weird thing, because if you are good at pull-ups they would want you to join the marines. I don’t want to join the marines, but I like the extra super powers they now enable me to do. Like if I am trapped on the ledge of a building I would maybe be able to hang their longer than normal, or maybe I would be able to pull myself up. Pull-ups remind me about the time it took to learn them, I started first with negatives. Jumping up to the bar then lowering myself down. Then assisted full ones just to get the motion right. Then actually did a full one. It was crazy and probably took a few months, but doing the first one was great and now every time I go up to the bar I am still amazed I could do them. High school Drew would be proud, but maybe also in the marines.
Ode to pull-ups

I'm still in the "can't do a pull-up camp." I would like to be able to do pull-ups for my own accomplishment since I don't plan to be hanging off the edge of buildings any time soon.