The work laptop rule

I saw the following headline today: How Worried Should You Really Be About Signing into Netflix on a Work Laptop?

I heard a story about someone working in my department years ago who was fired because the manager found gigabytes of porn and music saved on his work computer. By the way, this was back when we were all in the office. Don't ask me what he was up to, but clearly, he had issues.

I am a firm believer in separating business and pleasure. If you are issued a laptop by your employer, that is the employer's laptop, not yours. All employers have rules around appropriate business use of company property. They can track every action on the laptop. Privacy issues aside, an employer can take action on employees for anything done on a work laptop that is not deemed "business use."

I won't even do a Google search on a work laptop. Use your phone or your personal laptop if you want to goof off instead of working. At least you can pretend to work by jiggling the mouse every few minutes. 

If you choose to use an employer-issued laptop for monkey business, then you deserve what happens to you.
If people are allowed to use their work office to do drugs and have sex with random people then they should be allowed to do whatever they want with their work issued laptop.

Wait you can't do the first thing? Oh.
2022-01-25 19:51:57